Can you feel the love?

Liebster Award Button

Oh my gosh! No seriously, oh my gosh! The kindest, sweetest blogger just nominated me for my very first blogging award and I think it might be the best one of all because it is an award from fellow bloggers to fellow bloggers. What better way to be honored than by your fellow writer peers. YAY!

So the wonderful writer that nominated me is Jaime over at Motherhood Honestly. She is delightfully funny. One of my favorite posts of her’s is Driving in Cars with Kids. Once you read it you will know that we are kindred mama spirits.

The Liebster Award, in case you don’t know, is an award that was originated by bloggers to honor one other. It is a blogger letter chain if you will, because as you accept the award you pass it on. Seriously this award is so me – pay it forward – that is my kind of deal.


This particular version of the Liebster is meant for bloggers with less than 500 followers and there are some rules attached once you accept. I am using the rules given to me by Jaime; they are as follows:

  • Thank the blogger that nominated you – Thank you, Jaime you rock!
  • Answer the 11 questions you were given.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 500 followers – I can only nominate 8 because well I am new to the blogging community and most bloggers I follow have more than 500 followers.
  • Tag your nominees and post on their blog so they know all about it!

I am answering the questions that Jaime provided me below. And then I will nominate 8 bloggers that I think will appreciate the love.

1. What is your morning routine?

My mornings usually consist of rising by at least 6:30, racing around waking up the littles and running around feeding our turtle Davis, the kids, and making sure lunches are made, twins’ are clothed and then doing D-Mack’s hair right before we rush out the door to drop her off at school. When we return I head straight to my computer to begin my day at work.

2. Where was your favorite vacation spot?

My favorite vacation spot growing up was Utah visiting my family. I had lots of cousins and grandparents and extended family to visit. I just loved being around everyone.

My favorite vacation spot as I got older was Pismo Beach. That is where I met my sweet husband.

Now my favorite vacation spot is probably Newport Beach.

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3. What is your guilty pleasure?

This is hard to name just one – I am addicted to Pretty Little Liars and Once Upon a Time – silly little shows, but I don’t have to use my brain to watch them. Plus I have a slight TV crush on Colin O’Donoghue. He may wear guy liner as Captain Hook, but I could definitely spend a day in Storybrooke with Killian Jones. I mean look at him – couldn’t you?

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I am also a hard-core Blacklist follower – the show in case you were thinking it was some other crazy thing. And Hot Tamales – I love Hot Tamales.

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4. If you could have a cup of coffee with anyone (living or dead), who would it be?

Good question, Miss Jaime, good question. I think I would want to have coffee with my grandmother. My grandma Nielsen was a mother to 6 kiddos and I think now as a mother I would love to sit and talk with her about her life, things she did as a mother and I think sitting with her one more time would just be pretty wonderful.

5. What inspires you?

My kids inspire me. They make me stop and smell the roses…literally. As I am rushing them to school they literally stop and smell the roses along the way and that keeps my perspective on life grounded because spilled milk is really just spilled milk and stopping to watch the snails and Rollie Pollies while smelling the roses is what life is really all about.

6. Name three of your favorite features about yourself.

I can speak with the dead – I know sounds crazy, but it is true.

I am a good mom and wife – my family comes first.

That even when my house looks like the tornado zone below – it is okay because I am focusing on what is important. That and really we can wear our laundry faster than I can fold it and put it away.

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7. If you could go back in time (knowing what you know now), what career would you choose?

Call me crazy I wouldn’t go back in time – I like that I was a teacher, than a college professor, than a Sales Person and a part-time writer. I have learned something from everything I have done.

8. Name a habit you picked up from your mom.

I tap my fingers to the beat of songs on the steering wheel.

9. Describe a perfect Friday night.

Curled up with a book near a fire with a warm drink; listening to my kiddos play while my husband watches some sport on TV. I know I am totally fun!

10. What is the best television show you’ve ever seen?

I think I may have answered this in a previous question. I love The Blacklist.

11. The thing you use every day (other than your phone)…

Hmm…well I guess that would have to be the microwave. I am always heating up cold coffee everyday or heating something up in there.

And now the moment you have all been waiting for my Liebster Award Nominees in no particular order….

1. Jesse Clemence over at Jesse Clemence: Encouragement, Honesty, and Grace. – I particularly like her post about buying her children another TV – “it came with the van. Dang it.”

2. Julia at the Joy Underneath. I would recommend reading this post here.

3. Alissa at The Parker Five.

4. TC Larson – who just beautified up her bloggity blog. It is looking pretty fancy dance.

5. Crumbsoffthetable is delightful. She always has a witty title for each piece.

6. My gorgeous cousin over at Sparkle & Sweat. I love this post, but she is mostly a fashionista blogess great outfit ideas over there. Definitely check her out!

7. Amber over at “Normal” is the New Boring. Amber is one of the very first bloggers that I followed. She is always honest and I respect that.

8. Aly at Aly’s Bloggity Blog – well I love her pictures and her name of course. I have a soft spot for anyone who calls their blog – their bloggity blog since that is what I have always called mine.

And that is my 8. So if my nominees would like to take part I would love for you to follow the same rules, but you only need to nominate 8 bloggers and answer the following 8 questions.

1. What is your favorite food and why?

2. If you could have a super power what would it be?

3. If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?

4. What was the best advice you were ever given?

5. What is your favorite part about today so far?

6. Would you rather talk on the phone, text or email someone?

7. Name one person who changed your life for the better and how they did that?

8. When is the last time you laughed really hard? What made you laugh like that?

Thanks for reading through this post today and thanks again, Jaime I am really honored. Your nomination meant a great deal.




12 thoughts on “Can you feel the love?

  1. Congrats, my darling, you really are gifted at this writing gig, and at “mommyhood”, and at “wifehood”, and at “daughterhood”, and at “sisterhood”, and at being human!! I love you and find you very inspiring.

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