Cheer Day 18

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Our Cheer Day 18 nominee is Pam. Pam is a recently divorced, mother of seven – that’s right I said 7! She was a stay at home mom for years and now due to the divorce, she has started a new job and decided to go back to school so that she can provide better for her children. She was nominated by someone who wanted her to know how much she admired her and respected her for what she was doing and how hard she was working. She wanted her to know that she was loved and supported by her community.

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Pam, we want you to know you are loved, you can do this and most importantly YOU ARE NOT ALONE! We got your back sister!!We hope that this season you are constantly surrounded by loved ones and that you find times of peace and quiet in your full house.

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Love and Hugs,


P.S. The image at the beginning of this blog came from a blog post by a single mom that says there are 5 Things to Never Say to a Single Mom – check it out here –

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