Let’s make better mistakes tomorrow…

mistakesSo I am a list person, always have been, always will be. It just helps me get things done. So as a new year begins and I near my 35th birthday I have decided to make a top 10 list of things to do this year. I am a tad silly and really feel like my new year starts on my birthday each year. That is how I measure my year – but it makes sense to me with this goal setting stuff.

The top 10 started last year.The list wasn’t posted or published anywhere and I think if I share it makes it solid and I will be more apt to accomplish some of what I set out to do. So here goes…

1. I am going to lose 15 more pounds…

Last year I started running and eating better and lost 20 pounds. I have kept it off and now I need to lose some more. Now that means I have to keep my running shoes on; which has been difficult to do these last 3 months, but goods things in life come with hard work and I have done it once so I can do it again. I think I can…I think I can…I think I have to…

2. I need to manage myself better…

So I went to the doctor a little bit ago – I was just so sad and had no good reason to be. Also tired, REALLY tired. She basically said you have a lot on your plate and you manage five lives in your house really well, you don’t manage you very well at all. What does that mean exactly?

Well, I am going to take time each day to do something I want to do, something for me. Maybe that means a run, maybe that means I go get a manicure, maybe that means I hide in the bedroom with the door shut and read a couple of chapters of a book, whatever it is that day that I WANT to do I will make at least 30 minutes of me time a day.

Overall, this one will be the hardest of the 10, but it is a must.

3. Mommy & me time….

I need to make time each week for each child. I need to do something with each of them separately so that they get me all to themselves. It can be something small like reading a book or something big like lunch with mom, but each week, each child gets me all to their-sweet-little-selves for just a bit. And the good news about that is at least the TV and video games will be off for this one.

4. Oooo la la…

My husband and I do not get out together hardly ever – well alone with one another that is. I am making it a goal to have one date a month for this next year. I hope it takes because we are going to grow old together so we need to keep having fun together. We will be married 10 years in March and here’s hoping year 11 is one of the best.

5. Monthly lessons…

Last year one of my top ten was to write down a lesson or lessons from each month. Each year passes so quickly that they are becoming blurry, and I wanted something tangible to hold onto. I wanted something for my kids to look back on and see who I was or what happened to us that year. I started sharing them on Facebook and it was nice to look back and see what I had learned. I am going to keep that up but here this year.

6. RAKs…

Another of my top ten that I want to keep from last year that I didn’t do so well is to just plain do nice things. My oldest son’s teacher has the kids do Random Acts of Kindness as part of their homework and I am going to take this and make it part of me. I am going to do as many Random Acts of Kindness as I can. Maybe it is to make a cute note and put it into the kids lunches. Maybe it is going to be to take a homemade dessert to a friend, or maybe it is going to be writing someone a letter or taking their kids for an afternoon so they can go get a massage. Whatever those Random Acts might be, I am going to do try to do more of those. I am a firm believer in Karma and energy – what you put out into the world you get back.

7. More home cooked meals…

This could be a detriment to my family, as I am not a good cook, but all good cooks had to start somewhere right?! So here we go, this year I vow to make more meals at home and try more recipes so that our family eats healthier and eats out less. We have a fire extinguisher and a smoke alarm in the kitchen so we are well prepared for this. I have my fingers crossed and pinterest recipes ready. Here’s hoping.

8. Pray out loud…

I am a spiritual person, I pray constantly, but I pray quietly. I pray in my head. I have a constant dialogue with God throughout the day – not the crazy kind – me just praying and saying thanks all day long. I think that my kids need to see me say my prayers out loud. We started saying grace at dinner last year and I love it. So do the kids. God isn’t a visible part of our lives because we have chosen not to attend church. I am not an organized religion kind of girl – I am more free-spirited in the religion department. Anyhow, I still think I need to make God more visible in my kids’ lives. It can only help them have stronger faith that will hopefully carry them when they need it. I know that my faith is what keeps my strong in my weakest moments.

9. Get ready, get set…

I am going to make an effort to look more presentable. I think I have overworn my sweatpants and ponytail. We sometimes feel how we look and if I make myself a bit more presentable I just might feel better. But more importantly, all those poor people who have to look at me when I walk by, ugh. I apologize to all of you who still talked to me when I strutted by in my worn out sweats. I need to look a bit more presentable.

10. Make better mistakes tomorrow…

This is the MOST important (yes shouty capitals important); I need to allow myself to be human. I don’t do mistakes well; in fact I don’t do them even remotely well. I never and I mean NEVER let myself off the hook for anything. I am going to make an effort to keep the mantra of making better mistakes tomorrow. I am going to make mistakes – I make a million a day – but I am going to remind myself that I learned from those mistakes and just maybe they might help me make better ones. I am going to try to let myself off the hook and hope it works.

So this year my blog will be filled with the stories of the year and to keep track of how I am doing with these things. So you will find out how it all goes.

Cheers –


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